Monday, April 25, 2011

Aidan Muir Assignment1 Animals

Assignment Description: For this assignment I chose to take pictures of my dog. I had to capture his personality in a photo and then enhance it if needed. Then post a blog about our assignment.


Photo info:
Exposure = 1250
Aperture = 3.5
Contrast of the picture is slightly enhanced.

Assignment summary: In this assignment I tried to capture my dog's personality. My dog is a very playful and happy dog so i tried to portray that in this photo. He didn't cooperate very well so it took awhile for me to get the right picture with the right lighting and I think I did a good job.
Assignment description: For this assignment I chose to take pictures of my dog. I had to Capture my dog's personality with a picture and then enhance it if needed. Then post it on our blog.

Basic info:
Exposure =

Thursday, April 21, 2011

GIMP assignment 1

    In this assignment we had to take a picture of ourselves on photo both and put it on GIMP where we had to follow the instruction to create the picture above. When we were done we then posted it on our blog.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Composition Elements

Assignment Description: Our assignment was to capture all 11 elements of composition with our cameras either at school or at home. Then create a blog showing our photos.

Photo description:
Symmetry: Pathway through the trees
Balance: Pond
Texture: Sticks in the swamp
Rule of thirds: My dog
Depth of field: Baseball
Pattern: Car seat pattern
Color: Train
Lines: blurred grass
Space:Train tracks
Framing: Gym window 
Perspective: Chandalire

What I have learned:
I have learned that there are many different types of composition and some are a lot harder to capture then others. I have also learned a lot about what my camera is and is not capable of. I have also learned that photography very fun.